Rare US Meningitis Outbreak Grows, 5 Dead – How is it connected to Back Pain?

Rare US Meningitis Outbreak Grows, 5 Dead

How is it connected to Back Pain?

 from ABC news

Please forward this to all of your patients as well as family and friends.

ABC news stated: This is an important piece of news as “it has affected  35 people in six states have been sickened
from a steroid that was distributed to 23 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.”

How is this outbreak connected to Back Pain?

Article on ABC news said “All received steroid injections used mostly for back pain that have
been traced back to a specialty pharmacy in Massachusetts. The pharmacy issued a recall last week and has shut down operations.”

For the full article go here>>


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October 8, 2012 7:07 am

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